16 APRIL 1831, Page 11

compensations to the Commissioners of Bankrupts, under the law which

the Lord Chancellor recently introduced ; but it was objected to the mo- tion, that it would be imprudent to send objections to the House of Lords without properly considering and digesting them. The plan of appoint- ing official assignees was very highly spoken of. Finally, Mr. Bousfield gave notice of a motion on the subject for the next Court-day. After- wards, a vehement discussion took place on the exhumation of dead bo- dies from St. Michael's Churchyard. The London Bridge Committee bad appointed their own undertaker to remove the bodies ; which was violently resisted by other persons. The Court directed, that Mr. Sadler, the nominee of the Committee, should be directed not to interfere with the removal of the bodies by the relatives of the deceased. MronLEssx MAGISTRATES.—At a meeting of the Magistrates of the County, held on Thursday, at the Sessions-house, Clerkenwell, Mr. Sergeant Pell moved a resolution, that "au accumulation of offices in an individual is highly detrimental to the interests of the county;" which was carried, after some sharp discussion, by a majority of 24 to 13. This resolution was moved in conformity with the report of the " Committee for Inquiry into the County Expenditure." From this re- port it appears, that a Mr. Richards holds three or four offices. The. learned Sergeant forbore at present to press other resolutions, one of which was intended to pledge the County to a reduction of this gentle- man's emoluments, to give him an opportunity of producing evidence against the report. In the course of his speech, Mr. Sergeant Pell stated, that the fees demanded from prisoners on their acquittal were sanctioned by no law ; and pledged himself, if any person were detained in custody for refusing to pay them, he would render his professional assistance to bring the subject before the King's Justices upon an action of false imprisonment. One of the resolutions intended to be proposed Will be directed against such fees being demanded in future.

EAST INDIA DIRECTORS.—The house list, as it is called, was unani. mously approved of. The six Directors who went out were Messrs. Astell, George Smith, Marjoribanks, Prescott, Masterman, and Ellice. The new Directors are, Mr. John Forbes, Mr. John Loch, Mr. Charles Mills, Mr. Henry Shank, Mr. James Stuart, and Mr. Henry St. George Tucker.

OUTWARD-BOUND INDIA MEN.—On Tuesday, a Court of Directors was held, and the following Commanders took leave :—Captain Thomas Marquis, Rose ; Captain Robert Locke, Duke of York ; Captain Joseph Dudman, Inglis ; and Captain William R. Blakely, Waterloo, China direct.

ST. PAUL'S ScRoon.—On Tuesday was commemorated the first of a renewed series of anniversary meetings of the gentlemen educated in St. Paul's School, at the London Coffee House, Ludgate Hill. Sir John Sewell presided; the company amounted to one hundred and twenty, among whom were Mr. Frederick Pollock, Dr. Clarke, the Rev. Mr. Soames, Mr. Elliston, and Mr. Williams. SPANISH BONDS.—The holders of these securities [2] had a meeting on Tuesday ; when resolutions declaratory of their intention to reject the terms at present offered by King Ferdinand, but to accept of any which could be deemed fair and equitable, were unanimously passed. The bondholders agreed that the Committee appointed at the meeting should communicate with the Committee of Paris Bondholders, and act in con- cert with them for their mutual benefit.