TAKING A WATCH.—On Wednesday, between two and three o'clock, a
soldier deliberately thrust his hand through a pane of glass in the shop of a pawnbroker in Gray's Inn Road, and took down a watt' from the f • e hook in the wiidow. When the shopman ran out to see what w: th the matter, the man, who made no attempt to escape, quietly told him,
" Now I shall have my desire ; I am tired of being a soldier, and wish to he transported ; send for a policeman ; I will willingly wait here
until he comes, when I will tell him that I broke the pane of glass, and stole the watch to get transported." When brought to Hatton Garden, said, in reply to questions from the Magistrate, that he had been fourteen years in the Coldstream Guards, but having on Saturday even- ing got intoxicated, and quitted his quarters at North Hyde, near ounslow, without leave, from an apprehension of being egraded; he
had committed the felony with which he was charged !
JUVENILE CONVICTS.—A vessel has been fitted up at Chatham, for the reception of four hundred boys not exceeding fifteen years of age, who, under the old system, would have been sent out of the country. They are taught trades, and receive a suitable education, and means are adopted for securing employment to them when discharged. The Go- vernment act on the principle of the Magdalen, where, in- order to qualify a woman for the charity, she must, in the first place, be-a vaga- bond. When a boy is found to be a thief, then he is to be cared for and educated ; but when any plan for educating the non-thieving part of the poor is proposed, Government have no time, and Parliament no ears.
SMUGGLING BY STEAM—The Albion and Eclipse, Margate steamers, were seized-by the Customhouse officers on Thursday last weeks in con- sequence of a bale of silk goods having been conveyed on board theone, and a chest of tea on board the other, from an East Indiaman, they had to.wed up to the Docks. They were afterwards released, on thecaptains diving bond to appear.
!.4 GLASGOW COACH ROBBERY.—One of the proprietors of the Regent 'coach has been apprehended on suspicion of being concerned in the robs rbery of the Commercial Bank box in that coach. It is alleged. that he was -the person dressed. in female apparel who was in the coach at the time of the robbery.. The driver of the coach is still in custody. No traces of 'the money have yet been discovered.—Glasgow Chronicle. RISING AMONG THE COLLIERE.—A most powerful feeling has recently displayed itself amongst the men employed in the collieries of Durham .and Newcastle, in consequence of the refusal of the pit proprietors to increase their wages. A noble lord, who recently visited Durham, was, it is said, obliged to make a precipitate retreat to town, in order to avoid the turbulence of his workmen. The consternation amongst the proprietors of coal-rnines is said to be great, as there is. reason to believe thirty thousand well-drilled miners can he assembled at an hour's notice —Morning Herald.