The Dramotic Annual, - or a Playwright's Adventures, by FREDERICK REYNOLDS,
is a tale, or short novel, composed of very ordinary materials. The title indicates a continuation, but we are much mistaken if this is not both the first and last of the series. The scheme of the thing is, that a young man, stage- struck, writes a comedy for the theatres, and is rejected. The manager, in his refusal, recommends the writer to see more of the world before he hies again. Young Vivid consequently travels to see character, and takes notes. This gives Mr. REYNOLDS an op- portunity of introducing the old stories, puns, and conundrums, he could not drag into his Life and Times. The characters are utterly without either force or truth ; the incidents are poor, the jokes are dull, and the whole antiquated and obsolete. The only page which made us even smile, is the following pair of jokes, the first of which is as old as the hills, and we suspect the date of the other.
"' Indeed replied this odd, glum Mr. Pointblank; why, then,! am the most uncourteous man living; for! not only never answer letters, but I seldom—ha, ha ! no, not once in twenty times open them.'
"'Not open them ?'
"'No! no more would you, if you had as many dims as I have—ha, ha —Why, I have not paid a debt these two years ; and I only mean to pay one more.'
"'And, pray, what may that be?'
"Why, Why, the debt of nature—ha, ha!'
"Upon my word, very new and original ! but you contrive to make others pay ?'
"To be sure I do. Special original—no sham law—no writ of error, &c.—you take, and I take—touch the dumps—ha, hat' "At this moment the coachman was hailed by a foot passenger, who, getting on the roof, recognised Mr. Pointblank, and civilly asked him how he did ? "No answer.
" 'I hope,' the new passenger continued, I hope you are very well l*, "The original surlily nodded assent.
"'And Mrs. Pointblank—I hope your wife is also well ?' "'She is; and, as I've often told you, will be so till she dies—there■.; ha, ha l' "'And the little ones ?'
"'D—. the little ones ! and if you've no taste yourself, let those whO have taste enjoy this beautiful scenery. Look ! (extending his telescope, and roughly pushing his cut chum aside) look ! did you ever see such Et sight as that?' "'Yes I I have seen a much finer sight,' replied his enraged companion; and one which you never saw in your whole life, and, more than that never will see !—Look here ! a tailor's bill with a receipt to it.'"