The principal feature in the French news of the week,
is the subscription of a loyalty loan. Instead of the ordinary method of offering the loan to some great Jew jobber, at eight or ten per cent. below its value, and through him to the public, the happy thought of imitating our example, on that occasion which gave a baronetcy to the family of PEEL, struck a patriotic specu- lator. He proposed lending the Ministry a sum of money at 5 per cent. interest ;—sacrificing the difference of 23 per cent. (the 5 per cents. being at 77)—in consideration of the public service. Marshal JOURDAN put his name at the head of the list, and a great number of Peers, Deputies, merchants, and private indivi- duals, followed his example. The loan, which is only four millions and a half, is slowly filling up; but the funds, which were before in a state of extreme depression, have risen in consequence no less than 10 per cent. The Times has ridiculed the enthusiasm of our neighbours as theatrical in its exhibition. When we have manifested, in sober dulness, a desire to follow the essentials of that public spirit which actuates the Parisians, it will be time enough to laugh at its accidents. • The election law, which had been amended in several particu- lars in the Chamber of Peers, has been re-discussed in the Depu- ties; and the whole measure passed, on Tuesday, by a majority of 300 to 50.
The discussion of the Bill for an extraordinary vote of credit, to the amount of 100,000 francs, on the same day, called forth a long and angry tirade against the Ministers, from M. MAUGUIN. He alluded to a stoiy of General DIEBITSCH'S having torn the cross of the Legion of Honour from the breast of a Polish officer, and to a declaration of the same General that he intended to march to Paris, and there crown his career, as the greatest captain of the age.—" I expected," said he, in conclusion, "that after the revo- lution of July, France would reassume her station among the nations ; but she remains still under the yoke of humiliating treaties, and trembles in the face of the whole world." SEBASTIAN' replied to this schoolboy rant with great bitterness. The policy of M. MAUGUIN was, he said, the policy of the coffee-shops.
"France would not make war in the train of any nation. In Belgium, pillage and murder stalked abroad, at the command of an Association that overruled the government, and openly declared that it would force -France into a war, in spite of her : but no, France would never be dragged - miserably in the train of such factious blunderers."
The statue of NAPOLEON is to be restored to its honours in the Plate Vendome ; and his family are to be permitted, if they see fit, to visit that France which is yet so full of his name, and which will never be void of his recollections.
Among the minor affairs, of little interest here or elsewhere, we may notice the trials of the students.charged with participating in the late riots in Paris, which are yet undecided ; and the condem- nation par contumace of the three ex-Ministers, D'HAUSSEZ, CAPE LLE, and MONTBEL, who were fortunate enough to escape by flying to England from the serious part of a trial for high treason.