16 APRIL 1859, Page 9



The operations in the market for English Securities have this week been of a more important character than have been witnessed for some time past ; the fall in Consols, which commenced on Saturday, owing to the startling telegrams from Vienna, was followed on Monday morning by a further de- cline to 941 941; during the day, however, some very large purchases were effected amounting to 500,0001., supposed to be for a very eminent City firm, a sharp rally immediately took place, and the final figure after busi- ness hours was 95 951. On Tuesday a still better feeling prevailed. Peace was once more believed in, and the Funds rose 1 1 per cent; up to yesterday afternoon the Market showed considerable firmness, several " Bears " having been induced to close accounts, but at the close there was a decided tendency downwards. The forthcoming Russian and Indian Loans, an in- creased demand for accommodation, together with the uneasiness respecting the proposed European Congress, have had an adverse influence upon quo- tations, and rumours of an unfavounible nature are of course agam afloat. The extreme range in Consols has been exactly 1 per cent, marking 941 arid 951. French prices have likewise been continually telegraphed lower, the last showing a decline of 1 per ethit in Rentes from the highest point reached. Consols leave off 94 95; Bank Stock,. 223 225; Reduced and New Three per Cents, 93/ 931.

As in the English there have been important fluctuations in the Foreign Market ; nearly all securities have suffered great depreciation, tho altera- tion in some few instances has been to the extent of 2 to 3 per cent. Turkish, both Old. and New, which first showed weakness on Saturday, opened with considerable dulness on Monday, 87 871 ex div, for the Old, and for the New, 751 76; later in the day, in sympathy with Console, the market became animated, and, although there was an advance of 1 per cent, the original price was never recovered. During the last day or two the half-monthly settling has been taking place, which has brought in some few sellers, and the quotation is now again 871 for the Old and 761 761 the New. Sardinian Stock has fallen 4 per cent, the quotation being now 76 78; the market in this stock is so limited that the smallest of sales tends to produce great flatness. Mexican is 1 per cent lower. Advices were yes- terday received from Venezuela to the effect that the terms recently accepted by the Bondholders have been ratified by General Paez and the Venezueletm Government, it caused a rise of nearly 2 per cent. Money has been abun- dant at the usual rates. Mexican 201 21; 'Victor Emmanuel 88 90; Brazilian, 93/ 94k; Peruvian, Four-and-a-half per Cent, 891 901; Ditto Three per Cent, 694 701; Buenos Ayres, 78 80.

Business has been active in the Railway Share Market, and prices exhibit, in some cases, a very material difference. The fortnightly settling, which closes today, has absorbed the chief attention ; but the markets have been constantly influenced one way or the other by the changes occurring in English Stocks. The leading lines are now as follows—Midland, 100/ loll' London and North-Western, 931 931 London and South-Western, 911; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 93 931; North British, 66 56k; Great Western, 671 571; North Stafford, 41 41 discount ; Berwick, 891 891; South-Eastern, 201 201; Caledonian, 80 801- Brighton, 1101 1111 The Indian Railway Market is flat owing to the Loan and numerous calls now due and the unsettled condition of Indian finance. French Shares have been subject to considerable fluctuations ; and some very large purchases by influential capitalists fail to keep up prices in the face of the conflicting statements constantly being received from abroad. New Lombardo-Venetian, / I premium ; Ditto, the Old, 1 premium.


There is no alteration from last night's quotations, with the exception that Turkish Old and New Six per Cents are respectively I per cent lower, the former, 861 1, the latter, 861 7. Consols are 94/ 3.