Parlslan Theatricals.
3f. Meyerbeer's new work, Le pardon de Ploernwl, recently produced at the Opera Comique, is the talk of Paris. The book, which is by MM. Michael Carre and Jules Barbier, is......
/int Arts.
The pictures for the finthcoming Exhibition of the Royal Academy were sent in on Tuesday, and amongst them were two by Mr. Millais,. the names of which are not yet determined.......
Literary News.
Trade news is not very copious at present but we observe a large sale an- nounced for the present month by Messrs. Southgate and Barrett. A few shares are included in the......
Trt Glintirts.
The power of female fascinations in subduing the most stubborn mas- culine natures has been recorded, snag, or acted from the earliest ages. The ancient Hebrew pointed to the......
The Famous Musard, The Originator Of The Promenade...
a few days ago at Autueil near Paris in his sixty-eighth year. The famous Musard, the originator of the Promenade Concerts, died a few days ago at Autueil near Paris in his......
The Members Of The New Society In Water Colours Have
very tempe- rately memorialized the Government for a local habitation worthy of their name, and justly claim additional facilities of exhibition, in order o _ to encourage......
This has been a languid week in so far as music is concerned. The depressing influence of the dissolution of Parliament on the Landow season is beginning to ho felt. For......