16 APRIL 1921, Page 2

On Saturday last there was a series of conferences between

the leaders of the " Triple Alliance " and between the leaders of the railwaymen and transport workers and the Prime Minister. Late at night it was announced by Mr. J. H. Thomas that a formula had been devised to meet the difficulty. The Govern- ment agreed to summon the miners and coal-owners to a con- ference to discuss all questions in dispute. The Miners' Federa- tion agreed to urge all their members " to abstain from all action which will interfere with the measures necessary for securing the safety of the mines or will necessitate the use of force by the Government." In other words, the miners' leaders, who had compelled the pump-men to strike, would not cancel their order but agreed that the men could resume work if they liked to do so. This is what the Chinese call " saving face."