Professor Aydelotte And Swarthmore College.
ITO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR, —In your issue of the Spectator of March 5th, which has just reached this country, on p. 301 you have an article entitled " The......
Lancashire And The Indian Cotton Duties. (to The Enrroa Op
THE " SPECTATOR.") Sill,—Having just seen an article on this subject in your issue of the 2nd inst., I ask you to give space for a brief letter from one who has had experience......
(to Rat Editor Of The " Spectator."1 Sir, It Seems
to be generally assumed that as soon •as episcopacy and non-episcopacy are proved to be equally right, and all forms of ordination to be equally valid, the path is clear for......
America And Ireland.
(To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—So far from its being the case, ae has been asserted, that the situation in Ireland is bringing the name of England into disrepute all......
Peace In Ireland.
(To Pus EDITOE or THE " SPECTATOR.") SIB,—In your issue of last week " A Looker-on," alluding to the aims of the Sinn Feiners in Ireland, says: "I was struck with the consensus......