Dr. Buckland, Dean of Westminster, so well known as one
of the earliest inpoost active promoters of geology, died on Thursday. Unhappily, his mind had given way, and he had been for some years in confinement. Dr. Bucklaud was born at Axminster in 1784, and educated at Winchester and Oxford. In 1813 he became Reader in Mineralogy, and in 1818 Reader in Geology, at Oxford University. For many years he spared neither labour nor expense in pursuit of his favourite science : lie published several works on that subject, diligently collected specimens and fossil remains, and laid the foOndation of more than one museum. In 1825 he became one of the Canons of Christchurch Oxford, and in 1845 Sir Robert Peel gave him the Deanery of Westminster.
The Reverend Alfred Lush of Greywell, who remarried a couple already united by the Registrar, has made a public apology, and retracted his former opinions on civil marriages. He thinks now that marriages by the Regis- trar ere not only legally valid " but also binding in the sight of the Church."