The Moors.—news From The Scotch Moors At Present Speaks...
in 4y of the prospects of grouse-shooting. The sport on the 12th was " very poor "; the birds are wild and scarce—" in some places even scarcer than they were at the close of......
SATURDAY. The journals of the morning do not abound in news ; but they con- tain some statements of fact, and a few rumours of average interest. The Moniteur of yesterday......
The Half-yearly Meetings Of The London And North-western...
Great Western Railway Companies were held yesterday. The London and North-Western met at Euston Square station : a dividend of 5 per cent per annum was declared. The Great......
An Esteemed Correspondent Reminds Us That The Two...
Go- vernment favour, as " Deputy Speakers," as well as Life Peers, under the Appellate Jurisdiction Bill, were to have salaries of 60001. instead of 50001. as printed in our......
Dr. Buckland, Dean Of Westminster, So Well Known As One
of the earliest inpoost active promoters of geology, died on Thursday. Unhappily, his mind had given way, and he had been for some years in confinement. Dr. Bucklaud was born at......
The Persia Arrived At Liverpool Last Night, With Advices...
New York to the 6th instant. The Persia made the quickest passage on record ; she came over in nine days. The House of Representatives had passed a bill appropriating 1,100,000......
We are happy to be enabled to announce that Miss Florence Nightin- gale has arrived at her home in Derbyshire, after her arduous and honourable career of public service in the......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. There has been little alteration in the English Funds this week : the fluctuations have been within the range of 1 per cent ; but the market......