16 AUGUST 1884, Page 3

The Duke of Wellington's sudden death from heart-complaint on Wednesday

leaves, it is said, a third Garter at the disposal of the Prime Minister. As the Marquis of Bath has just levelled a serious personal attack at Mr. Gladstone—a most unfortunate one, on which we have commented elsewhere —perhaps that nobleman may at last receive a distinction for which, by his very wise and enlightened course on the Eastern Question, he has established, we think, some claim. The Prime Minister is always very jealous of any- thing like favouritism to his personal adherents ; and it may be that Lord Bath will have a better chance of recognition now that he has declared war against Mr. Gladstone than he had while he stood in a somewhat dubious position between him and the Opposition. Mr. Gladstone, like St. Paul, some- times loves to heap coals of fire on an adversary's head.