16 AUGUST 1884, page 27

The World Beyond The Esterelles. By A. W. Buckland. 2

vole. (Rivington and Co.)—In the first part of the work Mr. Bnckland gives us some noteworthy facts concerning Cannes, Hybres, Grasse, Nice, and other towns of the Riviera which......

Otterstone Hall. By Urquhart A. Forbes. 2 Vols. (a....

—In the novel before us, we see life, as through the wrong end of a telescope, reduced to infinitely small proportions. We could scarcely have supposed that joys and sorrows,......

The Leavenworth Case. By Anna Catherine Green....

a Collins-Gaboriau kind of story ; but while its machinery does not creak so continuously as that of Mr. Wilkie Collins's later novels, it is deficient in the easy realism of......

The Never Never Land ; A Ride In North Queensland.

By A. W. Stirling, F.R.G.S. (Sampson Low and Co.)—" Of the youngest of the Australian Colonies," says the author of this interesting book, "I can find no account which conveys......

Mary Elwood : A Novel. By J. M. Barker. (remington

and Co.) —This is a harmless, dull production. It may possibly give invete- rate novel-readers, to whom nothing comes amiss, some pleasure ; what satisfaction it can have......

Venus' Doves. By Ida Ashworth Taylor. 3 Vols. (hurst And

Blackett.)—The title of this story is somewhat misleading, since only one of the female characters, Violet Yorke, shows any of the sim- plicity of a dove ; and even she finds it......