Serious riots occurred in the Sudan last Saturday and Sunday.
At Atbara an Egyptian railway battalion held a demonstration and destroyed a good deal of property. On Monday they were prevailed upon to return to barracks, but when they were being guarded by some British troops and the Sudan Mounted Rifles they tried to break out. The Sudan Mounted Rifles, who seem to have acted without orders, fired on them, killing four and wounding sixteen. Though it appears 'that the British troops- were not present during the firing the Cairo newspapers have been writing about a" massacre of harmless demonstrators" 'by British troops. At Khartum the rioters were Cadets of the Military School and their movement was less serious than that at Atbara. At Port Sudan, as at Atbara, the rioting was begun by Egyptian railway troops. They raided the town before they were compelled to return to barracks. A British b ittleship has been sent to Alexandria and a cruiser to Port Sudan.
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