16 AUGUST 1924, page 14

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir,—by Your Leave I

will ask some questions of your corres- pondent, "An Indian" (Spectator, August 2nd), and supply an answer. Who allowed the Indian population to increase ? The English. Who put......

An Acknowledgment.

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] wish through the medium of the Spectator to thank all those who have so kindly responded to my query, sending along copies of the Nineteenth......

"memoirs Of A Justified Sinner."

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—This remarkable book was reprinted or reissued in the year 1828 with a cancel title page, as "The Suicide's Grave " ; and in 1837 was......

Extracts From Letters.

Tan ART OF JOSEPH CONRAD.—Mr. F. Sidney Webber writes .—Your very meagre notice in last week's Spectator on the passing of Joseph Conrad will have both surprised and......

"madrigals And Chronicles."

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—With reference to your appreciative notice (in the issue of the Spectator for August 9th) of my publication, Madrigals and Chronicles,......

The Real Bar To Indian Self- Government.

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I very much regret that a fellow-countryman of mine should describe, as your correspondent 'signing himself "An Indian" has described,......


ON A NAME SCRATCHED UPON A WINDOW. DEEP do the letters bite that spell the name, Though the last strokes waver as the hand grows weak, Holding firm the diamond lest it slip and......