16 AUGUST 1946, Page 14


Sta,—A few weeks ago I read with much interest and sympathy Mr. Richard Church's account of the loss of his five-year-old gooseberry bushes through mildew. Perhaps my experience may be worth recording. I have six bushes—two, five or six years old, the other four at least ten or eleven—which are growing under pear and apple trees new so large that practically no sun can reach them. They ,have never been sprayed or pruned, and this season have borne over 92 pounds of first-class fruit, much of it large and all of excellent flavour. I am told that during the five years of my absence from home the crop was consistently good. Is it not -possible that the drastic pruning and other treatments to which fruit bushes are nowadays usually subjected may weaken their " stamina " and impair. their power of resistance to disease? I should like to know Mr. Church's (or any other expert's). opinion on the subject.—Yours Arbury, Fairlight Road, Hythe, Kent.