16 AUGUST 1946, page 13

The Doctor's Right Of Appeal

Sta,—Your correspondent, Mr. H. B. 0. Cardew, gives a factually correct account of the "doctors' right of appeal," but overlooks, or is ignorant of, the difference that actuates......

Football Pools' Finance

SIR, —In defending the above your correspondent, J. Dwyer, makes an assumption that has for far too long been unchallenged, viz., that a 5 per cent, clear profit for the......

The Browning Memorial

Sra,—Janus has commended a projected memorial of a chapel in St. Marylebone Parish Church to commemorate Robert and Elizabeth Barrett- Browning, who were married there nearly a......

Mr. Isaacs' Joke Sia,—in A Spectator's Notebook In Your...

of August 2nd, 1946, part of a paragraph was devoted to what was described as a very disturbing sign. of " totalitarianism " on the part of the Government—a report that Mr.......

Dictatorship On The Land

Sia,—Your correspondent, Mr. Frank Sykes, in his letter in your issue of the 9th instant, would seem to approach the Odium case with mixed feelings. I feel- certain his state of......

South Slesvig And Denmark Sin,—from Certain Angles It Was...

a measure of relief that I read the article Britain and Denmark by R. C. K. Ensor, since only a fortnight ago I, myself, had received a letter from a very good friend in......

Balancing The Budget

Sitt,—I suppose few economists would criticise Mr. Spearman's lucid exposition of the Keynesian diagnosis of our economic ill-health so evident in the inter-war period, but......