16 AUGUST 1946, Page 21


IA Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct scl.tion of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, A-gust 27th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and ,fl. !t bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 2id. stamp. 5,,i„zions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. 7j3e solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]


1. Friend with a curly tail. (8.) 5. "These to his memory." (6.) 9. Like tanks, but in a zoological sense.

(S.) lc. Give Boris a change. (6.) tr. Make shift with Leo, very nervy. (8.)

12. Scots negatives to a graduate. (6.) 14 The fur might fly if this were sur- rounded by the CatWater. (4, 2, 4.) 18. Mail is expanded by a lion on horse-

back. (to.) 22. He divides the cats. (6.) 23. A bed's the mixture here. (8.) 24. Not a fried fish shop. (6.) 25. So a trite gem may be shaped. (8.) 26. This beast can swallow Amy feet first. (6.) 27. The Pot of Basil. (8.)


I. Covering of the extremities of 2. (6.)

2. It would leave one speechless. (6.)

3. They don't use it for angling at Rugby. (6.) 4. Evidently the craft of the writer. (1o.) 6. I'd go back to Staffordshire. (8.) 7. Canadian dog. (8.) 8. Sc' a grass may grow in the sea. (8.) 13. Useless to invite a beefeater to these (1 c.) 15. Definitely the remedy. (8.) 16. Fairy in a sty. (8.) 17. Carriage for the station. (8.) /9. "There's a sweet little - that sits up aloft" (Dibdin). (6.)

20. I lapse into it. (6.) 21. Success with this depends upon ex- posure and subsequent developments. (6.)