Abortion alliance
From Mrs P. D. Riches
Sir: The 'unholy alliance' referred to in Miss Sanders's letter (August 9) is far More widespread than she may realise. The Abortion Law Reform Society now uses the same address as the National Council for Civil Liberties which pays for the everyday expenses of ALRA's new offshoot, 'A Woman's Right to Choose:. In 1971, ALRA set up the Birth Control Campaign which in turn set up the Birth Control Trust, The Birth Control Trust which recently published 'The Pill off Prescription' is installed in the head offices of the Family Planning Association. The FPA, according to Bernard Schreiber in his book The Men Behind Hitler (Fl. & P. Tadeusz), is also in receipt of financial support from the Eugenics Society.
The octopus has numerous tentacles spreading into many fields and abortion is only one aspect of the "unholy alliance". Combined together they Present horrifying implications for the future.
Valerie Riches The Old Rectory, The Green, Hilton, Huntingdon, Cambs