Doctors Disagree
Sir: As a general practitioner apd part-time writer I have been content until now to disagree in silence with most of your medical correspondent's opinions but his article in......
Abortion Alliance
From Mrs P. D. Riches Sir: The 'unholy alliance' referred to in Miss Sanders's letter (August 9) is far More widespread than she may realise. The Abortion Law Reform Society now......
Demand And Request
Sir: On a number of occasions recently I have seen Miss D. Sanders (August 9) and her colleagues quote a Gallup Poll Which shows that "78 per cent of women Oppose abortion on......
Sir: Martin Sullivan, discussing the Transfiguration (August 9), says rather defensively, "I do not propose to discuss the historicity of this episode," but adds rather rashly:......
Former Colonies
Sir: The natives of Angola and Nigeria, and the paramount chief of Uganda are the latest in this heaving, discontented continent to behave in a manner in which, historically,......
Rejection Policy
Sir: How fortunate for Charlotte Bronte — and for posterity — that she did not have to do with Mr Farrar! Bookbuyer quotes Mr David Farrar, editorial director of Seeker and......
Falling Sales
From Mrs V. J. Empson Sir: Your article, 'Falling Sales' (Robert Ashley. August 9), makes no mention of the reason why many of us have given up taking newspapers. We were being......