Former colonies
Sir: The natives of Angola and Nigeria, and the paramount chief of Uganda are the latest in this heaving, discontented continent to behave in a manner in which, historically, they might• be expected to behave. It is arrogant to assume that because these former colonies were governed in a civilised fashion for a mere generation or two, an imperial power would have been able to impart more than a veneer of civilised behaviour. The very speed and, often, traumatic manner in which they were abandoned to their fate in a highly competitive world has undoubtedly helped to erase the veneer. However, now that it is readily apparent the real lessons of colonial rule have been lost it is time to reassess the true worth and importance of these countries, and to stop pretending that 'reason, logic, tolerance and trust play any part of their relations with others, either at home or abroad. P. F. Scott 3 Wellburn Drive, P.O. Chisipite, Salisbury, Rhodesia