Demand and request
Sir: On a number of occasions recently I have seen Miss D. Sanders (August 9) and her colleagues quote a Gallup Poll Which shows that "78 per cent of women Oppose abortion on demand." It is implied, though not actually stated, that 78 per cent of women therefore oppose the 1967 Abortion Act and abortion on 'equest. Personally, like most people I know, I oppose "abortion on demand" With its nasty suggestion of compelling doctors against their clinical judgement. At the same time, and with equal strength, I support the 1967 Abortion Act and "abortion on request" — which enables a patient to seek a second and third opinion if she so desires, as with all Other medical procedures. Since "NAC is not interested in truth" — unlike 'Women for Life', I suggest respectfully that the Gallup Poll no longer be commissioned to ask emotive and misleading questions.
Annabel Cowley Thomas Alfriston, Sussex