16 DECEMBER 1848, Page 18


On the 7th December, at Babworth, the Lady Frances Bridgeman Simpson, of a son. On the 7th, at Wolverton Park, Bucks, the Wife of J. E. M'Connell, Esq., Locomo- the Engineer, London and North-western Railway, of a son.

On the 8th, at the Rectory, Chisleburst, the Wife of the Rev. Fraud& Murray, of a SOM

On the 9th, at Stainsford Vicarage, the Wife of the Bev. A. G. S. Shirley, of a daughter. On the 10th, In Montagu Square, the Lady Wodehouse, of a son.

On the 12th, at Bagshot Park, the Lady Emily Seymour, of a daughter.

On the 12th, in Mansfield Street, the Hon. Mrs. Hall, of a sm.


On the 7th December, at St. liarylebone Church, Philip, eldest son of the late Philip Antrobus, Esq., of Turner Heath, Cheshire, to Sarah, eldest daughter of George Swayne, RR., of Circus Road, St. John's Wood.

On the 7th, at St. Mary's Church, Bryanstone Square, the Rev. Robert Ellis, of North Grimston, Vicar of Birdsall, Yorkshire, to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Alex- ander Erskine, Esq., of Bryanstone Square, and Balhall, Forfarshire.

On the 7th, at St. Peter's, Pimlico, Robert Tower, Esq., son of the late Rev. Charles Tower, of Shendeld Place, Essex, to Clara, youngest daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Varner, and niece of the Dowager Marchioness of Donegal.

On the 9th, at Hatfield House, Hertfordshire, Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer, K.C.B., her Majesty's Ambassador to the Court of Spain, to the Hon. Georgians Charlotte Mary Wellesley, only child of the late Lord Cowley.

On the 12th, at St. MaryleboneChumb, John James Glossop, Esq., to Harriet Eliza, Only daughter of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Coons atartin, of the Grenadier Guards.

On the 12th, at St. Peter's, Pimlico, Richard Brooke, Esq., eldest son of Sir Richard Brooke, Bart., of Norton Priory, Cheshire, to Louisa Todemache, second daughter of General the Hon. Sir Alexander Duff, G.C.H., of Delgaty Castle, Aberdeenshire.

On the 14th, at St. Peter's, Eaton Square, Philip Henry Pepys, eldestson of the Bish- op of Worcester, to Louisa Eleanor Anne, only daughter of Colonel and the Hon. Mrs. Disbrow°.


On the 5th December, at Bay House, near Gosport, the Dowager Lady Ashburton. On the 6th, at Dover, Ann Mary Brydges, daughter of the late Sir Egerton Brydges ; in her 99th year.

On the 7th, at the Rectory, Aswardley, the Rev. Charles Brackenbury, eldest son of the late Charles Brackenbury, Esq., of Scremby Hall, Lincolnshire, and Rector of Wilaford and Aswardley, in the same county.

On the 7th, at Theresa Terrace, Hammersmith, Mrs. Sarah Howard, who had lived upwards of seventy years in the family of the late Miss Caroline Eliza Fenn; in her 88th year.

On the 8th, at Bath, the Rev. William Barlow, Rector of Northenden, Canon of Chester, second son of Admiral Sir Robert Barlow, G.C.B.; in his 59th year. On the 8th, in Queen Square, Bath, Sarah, only surviving sister of the late Bev. Ca- non Gould; in her 90th year. On the 10th, in Victoria Square, Pimlico, Edmund Turner, Esq., M.P. • in Ills 57th year. He was a Magistrate and Deputy-Lieutenant for Cornwall, and had represented Truro, his native town, since 1837. On the 11th, at Clevedon, Somersetshire, Lord Dansany ; in hls 76th year. On the Ilth, In Northwick Terrace, General Sir Hector Maclean, K.C.B., H.E.LC.B.; in his 93d year. On the 12th, In Berkeley Square, Mary, the Wife of William Ord, Esq., M.P. On the 12th, at Westwood Hall, Stafford, John Davenport, Esq., a Deputy-Lieute-

nant of the county, and late Member for the borough of Stoke-upon-Trent ; in his 84th gal=

On the 13th, Barnard Van Sandau, of Chapel Street, Pentonville, formerly of the Royal Exchange, notary public ; in his 90th year.

On the 13th, at Southcot House, Barks, Charles Lateens, Esq., Deputy Commissary- General of her Majesty's Forces ; in his 75th year. On the 13th, at his house in Lower Durnford Street, Stonehouse, Devonshire, Wil- liam John Symons, Esq., late Major in the Sixteenth Lancers; In his 71st year.