The Stage Has Received An Interesting Recruit, In The Person
of Miss Ma - tilda Hays. Having well sustained an hereditary reputation in the world of letters, she has made her dabOt, under the, lead of Miss Cushman, in the place vacated by......
Although The Better Portion Of The American Public Seems To
have acted very well in supporting Mr. Macready against the mob, who actually pelted him at the Philadelphia Theatre, the manner in which the affair is dis- cussed in the United......
The Theatres.
The only event of the present week has been the revival at the Hay- market of The Two Gentlemen of Verona; one of those works which can hardly be said to belong to the regular......
The Inquiry Before The Norwich Magistrates Into The Facts Of
the Stanfield Hall assassinations terminated on Friday, with a public sitting of the Bench, at which all the depositions taken in private were read over to Mr. Rash. Some new......
Robert Houdin, The Founder Of The Present French Style...
has returned to the St. James's Theatre, and performs his miracles three evenings in the week; the other three being reserved to the Ethiopian Serenaders.......
The King Of Prussia Lately Received A Deputation From...
sent to thank him for the granting of a constitution: his reply throws , Bet on, the firmer policy of his later government— Little of a cheering or friendly character had lately......
The Managers Are Rather Slow This Year In Publishing The
names of their Christmas entertainments. At the Adelphi, and we believe at the Hay- market also, there is to be a version of Mr. Dickens's forthcoming Haunted Han. The Lyceum......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. A momentary damp was cast upon the English Stock Market on Monday, when the election of Louis Napoleon to the Presidency of the French Republic......