A momentary damp was cast upon the English Stock Market on Monday, when the election of Louis Napoleon to the Presidency of the French Republic was deemed nearly certain. This feeling, however, was counteracted by an im- provement in the French Funds; and the onward movement of our own Stocks has been resumed, until the price of Consols for the January Account had this morning reached 87h ex dividend,—a quotation equivalent to one of 89 with divi- dend; thus indicating an advance of I* per cent from the lowest price of the week. A reaction of trifling amount occurred from that quotation, and the closing price of Consols for the January Account is this afternoon 87h h ex dividend, equiva- lent to 88# a if the dividend be included. The Bank Broker sold on Monday and Tuesday, but has not continued his operations since. It is supposed that they will be suspended during the period for which the books of the Three per Cent Consols are shut. The shutting, as it is called in the technicality of the market, occurred on Wednesday; and the books will not reopen till the 16th January. Money is rather more in demand at the Stock Exchange; but the rate of com- mercial discount is still not much if anything above 2 per cent.
The transactions in the Foreign Market have not been more extensive than usual. Mexican is not quite so firm as in last week, though no intelligence has been received to which the depression can be traced. Portuguese and Spanish Stock are without material change. Peruvian Bonds have advanced to as high as 39h. No public notification has yet been given of the arrival of an agent from Peru to negotiate with the Bondholders; though it is generally believed that some progress is making in the arrangement of the debt and consolidation of the over-due dividends. The Dutch and better class of Northern Securities are higher, as is always the case when the English Funds advance.
The Share Market is firmer; though prices do not range quite so high today as they did yesterday. Upon the whole, there is an improvement in almost all the lines generally current. We notice the unusual occurrence of an advance of about H. in the shares of the Boulogne and Amiens Railway: a demand is un- derstood to have arisen in Paris, and as a natural consequence the price has ad- vanced here.
The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 9th December exhibit, when compared with those of the preceding week, the following results-
BLESIN1.1 DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.
Best. DCyMita £8,104 850,687
Other Deposits
£247,161 Seven-day and other Bills
33,893 Government Securities, Including Dead-weight
Other Securities
Notes unissued
Actual Circulation
Notes issued 317,895
Bullion 254,331
Thu week. Last week.
Total Bullion in both Departments 14,523,590 14,296,249
Actual Circulation
16,962,015 17,327,746
The return of the Bank of England for the week ending Saturday last is con- sidered very favourable; the increase in the amount of bullion being more than a quarter of a million. This is extraordinary, as it is known that the export of silver to Holland has been very considerable; and it was generally expected that under this head a deficiency would have been observable. Under these circum- stances, the Consol Market opened at an advance of # per cent upon the closing prices of yesterday; the first quotation being 87# for the January Account. Some rather large sales have since been effected, and the price has fallen to 87#, and is now 871 i. There is no business of importance in the Foreign Market; Peruvian Stock is still in the ascendant, and is nominally quoted at 38 to 40. The Railway Market is firmer; the following are the only transactions of import- ance yet recorded : Caledonian, 20a #; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 38*; Great Northern, 7,3; Great Western, 79; Lancaster and Carlisle, 49*; Brighton, 29#; North-western, 120; Midland, 81i; North British, 15i * *.; Ditto, Half-shares, 6*; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 3*; Boulogne and Amiens, 7#.
d per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 51 per Cents Long Annuities shut 871 1 871 1 871 8 81
Danish 3 per Cents
Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 . • New Granada 68 70 47/ 81 72 74 22 1 I11 121 Bank Stock 190 192 Portuguese N.4 perCents 1842 24 25 Exchequer Bills 37 42 prem Portuguese Old 1824 68 70 India Stock shut Russian 5 per Cents 101 102' Brazilian 5 per Cents 731 751 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 12 1 Belgian 41 per Cents 72 4 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 251 6 Buenos Ayres 20 22 Venezuela 14 16
Chthan 6 per Cents
82 84