[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SpEonTori.."] Sin,,—While thanking you for having taken notice of my book, I can scarcely thank you for the manner in which you have noticed it. First, you labelled me an Atheist, though any one may see, by examining the book, that I believe in God, while unable to accept the Personal Deity of Theism. Next, you levelled arguments against Materialism, and coupled my name therewith. Now, I have every respect for Materialists, but it so happens that, philosophically, I am strongly opposed. to their doctrine.—I am, Sir, &c ,
[We used no term of reproach at all. But Mr. Stock pointedly denies to the cause of creation, in the sentences which we quoted, that intellectual and moral character which make up the only meaning which we can attach to the name God. If he means by God a cause that is not intellectual and has no moral character, that is precisely the view with which we dealt.—En, Spectator.]