Messrs. De La Rue Have Made A Great Step In
making a pen,—the "Anti-stylograph pen," they call it,—with which you can write easily and clearly for many hours without refilling it with ink. But the process of refilling it......
Sir Andrew Clarke Has Returned From Egypt. He Found Upwards
of 2,000 sick and wounded soldiers lying under canvas, or in ill-arranged and ill-ventilated hospitals and barracks. He succeeded in persuading the Khedive to place at his......
Lord Carnarvon, Lord Stanhope, Lord Lytton, And Other...
wish that a Conservative magazine should be started, and that real pains should be taken to bring out in it any " dormant " intellectual power which may exist on the......
Mr. James Lowther, However, Does Not Pretend To Conceal That
he looks upon it as almost a disloyalty to his party to admit any improvement in the state of Ireland. Speaking at Grimsby on Monday, he avowed, with great candour and naivett5,......
It Is Rumoured,—we Do Not Know On What Authority,— That
the Primacy has been offered to, and declined by, the Bishop of Winchester, Dr. Harold. Browne.......
Here Is Another Blow For Lord Salisbury, Whose...
the other day in Hertfordshire, that there was no sub- stantial change for the bettor in Ireland, we contrasted last week with the statements of the Judges in. Belfast, Wicklow,......
Consols Were On Friday 100k To 1001 Ex. &iv. Bank
Rate, 5 per cent,......
Mr. Arthur Arnold Made A Good Speech On Monday To
his constituents at Salford, in which ho showed how genuinely prudent and, in the best sense, Conservative, a thoroughly Radical Member of good. sense and careful habits of mind......
We Regret Deeply To Note That It Has Been Found
necessary to bring Commander F. W. B. Maxwell-Heron, of H.M.S. ' to a court-martial, on charges of peculation of stores; false contracts, fraudulent accounts, and oppression in......
Mr. Fawcett Has Been In Great Danger All The Week,
owing to a serious haemorrhage last Saturday, which has been followed by other and smaller haemorrhages since, and now apparently there is some fear of rheumatic fever. Still,......
A Very Unsatisfactory Inquiry Ended On Monday In A Son•
- twice of ten years' penal servitude. A German baker, named Stanger, living in St. Luke's, last year disappeared, leaving a wife behind him. Another German baker, named Stumm,......