MAGAZINES, ETC.—We have received the following for December : —The
Magazine of Art, the illustrations in which are very fine.—Art and Letters, the frontispiece and some of the engravings in which are very good.—Part 2 of Walford's Greater• London.—The Gentleman's Magazine.—The Sanitary Record.—The Theatre.—Belgravia.—Time, containing the first part of a new tale, by Mr. J. Palgravo Sim pson.— The Army and Navy Magazine.—The Nautical Magazine.—Ttinsicy's Magazine, in which now serial tales aro commenced by Mrs. Lodge add Mr. H. G. Murray.—London Socioty.—The Month.—The Irish Monthly.—Cassell's Magaiine, which commences a new volume. —Chambers's Journal, which publishes another caution against the secret consumption of chloral.—All the Year Round.—Good Words.— The Sunday Magazine.—The Leisure Hour.—The Sunday at Home.— St. Nicholas, one of the best numbers for children that have been issued this season.—Sword and Trowel.—The Ladies' Gazette of Fashion.—American Journal of Mathematics.—The Atlantic Monthly. —Harper's Monthly, a capitally illustrated number. — The China Renew.