The "Spectator" Crossword No. u
[A. prize of one guinea will be' given to the sender of the fin! correct solution of this week's crass-word puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked " Cross-word Puzzle," and should be received not later than first post on Tuesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Tuesday. The name of the winner Will be published in our next issue.]
1. Fish and weapon in south- east surroundings gii-e the author.
9. Sudanese lake, or Dicken- sian hypocrite without music.
10. Greed;- -o golly 1- for the statesman.
11. The end of a fable..
15. How to behave towards a • Lord High Executioner.
16. Worship of this impels the axe.
17. Kind.
18. About to become Moist, Mit avid-of gold..
211. A small bird begins a small part..
21. Confused deers for plants.
22. Sternwards.
25. Single thing.
26. Soupy relative.
27. Vestige. 29. Tight.
33. Shrinking.
34. On.
35. Unintentional.
2. Sound.
3. The Isle of Man has a House of them.
'4. The wise man goes with
onions. • 5. A beast relieved of an insect suggests Gretna Green. Ii. Sorrows, but mostly birds.
7. The other fellow's tenets.
8. The mainstays of many newspapers. , 12. Vandalistic.
13. Count rib rot (snag.).
14. Book of the O.T.
15. Colour. .
19. Muddled groan for gas. 23. Such a hope has very little. 24. Take 50 from 11 across for Lincoln. 28. Quoted. 30. Richard If. disliked this court.
31. Let it be. 32. Childe Roland's was a slug.
SOLUTION NEXT WEEK The winner of Competition No. 11 is Mr. Ernest Carr, 6 Essenden- Road; Sanderstead, Surrey.