Haunts Of Coot.
On nearly all the reservoirs the number of birds, and indeed their variety, is scarcely credible. One of the old punt-gun- ners (who worked with a sort of cannon set on a swivel......
Country Life
ELECTRIC FARMS. Farmers, including the National Farmers' Union (not this time exclusively interested in politics) have been deeply interested in some views on rural electricity......
* * But The Ravages Of Both Have Been Exaggerated.
Even the musk-rat is not quite such a bogey as the critics suggest. After all the wall that holds up the water of Lake Vyrnwy is largely composed, both at the top and the......
We Shall Soon Have More Knowledge Of The Purely Agricul-
tural uses of electricity. An electric farm is in being at Bothamsted and many crucial experiments are being made. Incidentally it is worth mention that even these invaluable......
The English Wild Fauna Has Been Increased Of Recent Years
by the musk-rat, the grey squirrel, the barking deer and the little owl, as well as a certain number of " fancy birds " such as the fine but quarrelsome Amherst pheasant. All......
Overcrowded Reservoirs.
Birds in London are so abundant that some of our careful legislators grow afraid that they may be a source of danger. Questions were asked last week in the House of Commons......
London Pigeons.
The favourite haunt of woodpigeons in London is Kensington Gardens—at least in winter. They move there about this data from the Green and other Parks ; and no one knows why. Now......
Alarm At The Activity Of The Canadian Musk-rat Continues To
grow in the north-west of England. Grim pictures are painted of what would happen if the great reservoirs such as Vyrnwy are tunnelled by this large and industrious vole. Within......