on Mr. Baldwin ten years after. • in his broadcast
sermon last Sunday evening, that the * * * * daily broadcast service had, so to speak, revived family prayers for thousands of people, I could not help wondering I note a short but important letter from Lord Grey whether the B.B.C. could not go so far as 'to broadcast in the Guardian on the question of open diplomacy some actual form of family prayer at an hour when in its bearing on the publication (as in the Gooch and the ordinary family could listen. The broadcast service Temperley volumes on the Origins of the War) of confi- at 10.15 is clearly for individuals, not families. A dential Foreign Office minutes. The former Foreign reading, one or two prayers, possibly a hymn, at, say, Secretary makes the sound point that minutes by officials 8.0 or 8.15, would command twenty or thirty times as to their superiors often represent simply a useful process many potential listeners, and my own belief is that of thinking aloud, not the formulation of settled conclu- it would be widely appreciated. Plenty of well- sions at all. He might have added that the great apostle . qualified volunteers could be found, if necessary, to of open diplomacy, President Wilson, insisted that the take the reading, even at that early hour. Laymen would meetings of the League of Nations Commission at the be as willing and as competent as clergy or ministers. Paris Peace Conference should be private, because he