Conversations of the Unity Club. Reported by a Member of
the Club. (Christian Commonwealth Publishing Company.)—The object of this book may be conveniently described by its sub-title. It is "a popular discussion of religious differences with a view to Christian unity, by a number of earnest thinkers, representing Sceptics, Romanists, and the Leading Denominations of Protestant Christendom." It would, perhaps, have been better that the " Atheist " introduced in the first chapter should have been excluded. He is a quite unreasonable person, and has nothing to say for himself. In the other conversations there is a good deal of sound sense. Tho speakers are allowed to do themselves and their opinions fair justice. When we come to the constructive part, to the scheme which is to bring these various thinkers together, we are less satisfied. It will be very difficult to get anything like unity among communities, though it should be increasingly attainable among individuals.