Fragments Of The Greek Comic Poets. With Renderings In...
Verse, by F. A. Paley, LL.D. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)— In the late Professor Paley, whose last work this is, the cause of scholarship has lost an able and devoted servant.......
Practical Metallurgy And Assaying. By A. H. Hiorns....
are not so sure as Mr. Hiorns is that no suitable text-book of practical metallurgy exists ; still, we have not too many of them, and the progress of that branch of science has,......
The Tyranny Of Mormonism. By Fanny Stenhouse. (sampson...
Co.)—We do not quite understand when this book was first published ; but it was before the trial of John D. Lee, so- called Bishop, for his share in the Mountain Meadows......
We Welcome The Appearance Of The Eighteenth Half-yearly...
the Antiquary (Elliot Stock), " a magazine devoted to the study of the past." It contains, as usual, much curious and interesting matter, notes on parish registers, experiences......
Current Literature.
The Classical Review. February. (D. Nutt.)—The present number of this periodical shows, we are glad to see, signs of advance. Relations have been established with American......
The Encyclopedic Dictionary. Vol. Vii., Part Ii. (cassell...
second part of the seventh volume (" Urceola " to " Zythum") brings this most useful work to a close. It has amply fulfilled its promise, and, indeed, may now claim to be among......
Metternich, By Colonel G. B. Malleson, And Sir Robert Peel,
by F. C. Montague, are two volumes in " The Statesmen Series," published by Messrs. W. H. Allen and Co. Both are valuable contributions to history. Colonel Malleson draws an......
Ivan Ityitch, And Other Stories. By Count Tolstoi....
the Russian by Nathan Haskell Dole. (Walter Scott.)— Anything more dismal than the principal story in this volume it would be difficult to imagine. Tragical, one can hardly call......
Dod's Parliamentary Companion For 1889 Distinguishes The...
House of Commons elected since the General Election by a special mark,—which will be found very convenient to politicians,—and it also gives a list of those who have vacated......
Reminiscences Of A Pleasant Voyage. By Bluebell Shepherd....
and Co.)—This is a cheerful little book about what seems to have been a cheerful experience. The author went to Constantinople and back in a P. and 0. steamer, saw some......