Boole RECEIVED.—Report of the Centenary Conference of the Pro- testant
Missions of the World, 1888. Edited by the Rev. James Johnston. (Nisbet and Co.)—Professional Papers of the Corps of Royal Engineers. Vol. XIII. Edited by Major Francis J. Day. (W. and J. Mackay, Chatham.)—Genealogical Memoirs of Mem- bers of Parliament for the County and City of Kilkenny. By George James Burtchaell, M.A. (Sealy, Bryers, and Walker, Dublin.) —The History of Canada. By William Kingsford. Vol. IL, 1679-1725. (Trubner and Co.)—History of America. Edited by Justin Winsor. Vol. VII. Comprising the second part of the history of the United States of America. (Sampson Low and Co.) —Miscellanies. By Archbishop Manning. Vol III. (Burns and Oates.)—Records of the English Catholics of 1715. Compiled wholly from Original Documents, by John Orlebar Payne, M.A. (Burns and Oates.) —Lectures, Essays, and Letters of the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Napier. Forming a supplement to his " Life." (Hodges and Figgie, Dublin.)—In the " Specialist Series," we have The Telephone, by William Henry Preece, F.R.S., and Julius Maier. (Whittaker and Co.)—Krause's Deutsche Gram- matik. (Triibner and Co.) — Seven-Figure Logarithms. By Joseph Wolstenholme, D.D. (Macmillan.)