MAGAZINES AND SERIAL PUBLICATIONS.—We have received the following for February
The Art Journal.—The Magazine of Art. —The Scottish Art Review.—The English Illustrated Magazine.— No. S of Our Celebrities, with photographs of the Marquis of Abergavenny, Mrs. E. Garrett Anderson, and Mr. Augustus Harris.—Part 1 of a serial edition of the Library of English Literature, edited by Henry Morley (Cassell and Co.)—No. 1 of Art and Literature, containing an engraved portrait of Sir Frederick Leighton, P.R.A. (Maclure and Macdonald).— Parts 8, 9, and 10 of the Illustrated Manual of British Birds (Gurney and Jackson).—The Illustrated Naval and Military Magazine.—Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland.—The Service Almanack for the Army, Navy, and Auxiliary Forces, 1889 (Harrison and Sons).—The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.—Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research.—The Expositor.—Tbe Interpreter.—The Anglican Church Magazinc.—Sword and Trowel.—The Jewish Quarterly Review.— The Month.—The Irish Monthly.—The Book-Lover.—The Hospital. —The Atlantic Monthly.—Tinsley's Journal.—Illustrations.—The 3fonthly Packet. —The Journal of American Folk-Lore.—Belford's Magazine.—Chronicle of North Country Lore and Legend.—The Scots Magazine.—Lippincott's Magazine.—Scrihner's Magazine.—Tbe Indian Magazine.--The Friend of China.—The Library.—Atalanta.—The Gentleman's Magazine.—Belgravia.—The Argosy.—London Society.— Book News.—" A 1."—Cassell's Magazine.—The Leisure Hour.— The Sunday Magazine.—The Quiver.—The Girl's Own Paper.—St. Nicholas.—Harper's Young People.