DURING the week there has been disquiet amounting almost to a political crisis owing to the ambiguous attitude of the Government towards the Higher Command. We hope, and more- over we believe, that this disquiet will soon be dispelled. The Prime Minister has it within his power to satisfy the nation with a very few words. We cannot help saying that the whole " crisis " has been of tho kind which is often described as manufactured. That is to say, it is an unnecessary crisis. For our part, we attribute it chiefly to the Prime Minister's own restlessness and impulsive- ness—in a word, to what, using the phrase in a strict sense, we have before now called his levity. The unrest had its origin in those qualities of Mr. Lloyd George, and can be ultimately traced back to the Paris speech. But Mr. Lloyd George has just as much ability to quell an agitation as he has to evoke it.