The New Session Of Parliament Opened On Tuesday. The King's
Speech recorded the fact that, in reply to the Government's restate- ment of our war aims on a fair basis which commanded the approval of the whole Empire, the German Government......
In The Debate On The Address, Mr. Asquith, After Remarking
in regard to peace talk that what the German Emperor said in his bombastic telegrams was probably not what the German people really thought, asked for information as to the......
News Of The Week
• D URING the week there has been disquiet amounting almost to a political crisis owing to the ambiguous attitude of the Government towards the Higher Command. We hope, and......
As We Go To Press The Air Is Still Thick
with rumours about the future of Sir William Robertson. On Thursday morning a state- ment, presumably passed by the Censor, was published by the Central News, that " although......
The Prime Minister Enjoys Great Popularity In The...
when he and Mr. Bonar Law tell the House of Commons that if it is not satisfied with the present Government it had better find another, they are really on firm enough ground.......
Mr. Lloyd George In Reply Dealt Briefly With The Enemy
replies to himself and Mr. Wilson, expressing regret that, though Count Healing and Count Czernin differed widely in tone, they were equally unreasonable in substance. As to the......
Mr. Lloyd George Went On To Deprecate The Discussion Of
stra- tegical questions in the newspapers. " There is only one way when we go to councils of war ; you must leave it to those who arc there to decide ; and if you have no......
Mr. Asquith Put The Further Question Which Every One Has
been asking for weeks—" whether any change has been made or is con- templated in the status, the personnel, or the functions of the Com- mander-in-Chief or the Chief of the......
The Paper Shortage.—we Trust That Readers Of The "...
will give definite orders to their newsagents for a copy of the " Spectator" to be reserved for them each week till countermanded.......