[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] Sia, We"bake at home." and ever since voluntary rationing was propounded we have found no difficulty in keeping well within ous allowance of flour, even while it was still possible to have cakes and pastry. We are a household of five, all adults. Latterly we have mixed rice with our bread, but when I read the panegyric on potato bread in your columns, I thought it our duty to try that instead. We have now done so for some time, and find that it uses more flour than our former recipe, which in present cir- cumstances seems a grave drawback. Our rice bread only used one pound of rice in the week, and therefore did not necessitate a heavy use of cereals; the difference in flour was seven pounds then as against nine now, weekly. All housekeepers will under- stand that one pound of rice when properly prepared for use becomes three pounds, which explains the quantity of bread being