16 FEBRUARY 1918, Page 17

Inside the British Isles. By Arthur Gleason. (J. Lane. 5s.

net.) —This interesting and dogmatic book records the impressions of an American journalist, a Socialist, who naturally associated with the little Socialist cliques in this country and saw us through their spectacles. Mr. Gleason's perspective is faulty, we think, but he is so friendly to Great Britain, and so anxious to prove to his fellow-countrymen that " in accomplished reform " we are " a generation: ahead of the United States," that we cannot help feeling flattered and entertained by his book. He writes at some length on Labour, Women, the Prime Minister, and of course Ireland, stating the difficulties in. regard to Ulster, and then taking refuge, as so many people outside Ireland vainly do, in the pious belief that the Irish question will be settled somehow because every one is weary of the ancient feud.