16 FEBRUARY 1918, Page 17

READABLE NOVELS.—The Wanderer on a Thousand Hills. By Edith Wherry.

(John Lane. Os.)—A very clever novel of Chinese life. The author has a marvellous faculty for enabling her readers to see life from the Oriental point of view.—Our Miss York. By Edwin Bateman Morris. (Cassell and Co. es. net.)—The story of a New York business woman. The first section, which is concerned with the heroine's professional career, is more amusing than the second, which deals with her love affairs. No. 7 Brick Row. By W. Riley. (H. Jenkins. 5s. net.)—Deals with the annals of an East End " Providence." Mrs. Tickle is a delightful creation, and combines common-sense and benevolence to an unusual degree.