Selections from the Italian Poets. Selections from the Italian Prose-
Writers. With Critical Introductions by Ernesto Grillo. (Biocide and Son. 7s. 6d. net each.)—These two fascinating volumes of good Italian prose and poetry, with brief and scholarly Introductions by Dr. Grillo, of Glasgow University, will be welcomed by many people who love Italian, but do not find it easy to get Italian books. Dr. Grillo's selections, made in a broad and catholic spirit, range in poetry from Dante and his forerunners down to Leopardi, Carducci, Fogazzaro, Gabriele D'Annunzio, and Ada Negri, the poetess of genius, and in prose from the " Fioretti," Boccaccio, Leonardo da Vinci, and Machiavelli to De Amicis and D'Annunzio,
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