Of annual publications we have to notice The Church Directory
and Almanac (Nisbet and Co., 28. net), consisting of three parts, —(1) "General Information," reaching to sixty pages, and giving, along with a calendar, various details about Church work, Church societies, &c. ; (2) directory of Archbishops, Bishops, and clergy ; and (3) list of benefices, with incumbent and patron. A rough calculation of the number of the clergy works out at between thirty-one and thirty-two thousand.—The Englishwoman's Year Book, Edited by Emily Janes (A. and C. Black, 2s. 6d. net), gives particulars as to the education of women, employments and pro- fessions, industrial occupations, literature, art, music, sport, Ac. —The Royal Blue Book Court and Parliamentary Guide (Kelly's Directories, 5s. net) is now in its eighty-second year. It is pub- lished, it will be remembered, twice annually, in January and in May.