16 JANUARY 1904, page 2

Mr. Balfour Addressed His Constituents In East Manchester...

in an important speech, which is said to have fallen a little flat upon his audience. It was not, however, addressed to them, but to the Unionist party at large. Its general......

The Foreign Offices Of Great Britain And France Are Under-

stood to be following up their Treaty of Arbitration by a deliberate and honest attempt to come to agreements upon all the questions which now divide, or are likely to divide,......

M. Combes, The Frenoh Premier, Delivered On Monday A Strong,

even a passionate, speech against Clericalism at the annual banquet of the Republican Committee of Commerce and Industry. He declared that peace was the first need and first......

We Have Analysed The Correspondence Between The Duke Of...

and Mr. Chamberlain elsewhere, but must add here that the victory which many presage for Mr. Chamber- lain will, we think, prove unreal. He may obtain a majority vote of the......

Sir F. D. Lngard's Report On Northern Nigeria For The

year 1902, which is published this week as a Blue-book, is full of valuable information. It contains a complete account of the Kano Campaign, which brought about the end of the......

Mr. Balfour Discussed Nothing During His Speech But...

but he apologised for not entering upon foreign affairs. His reason was that "while Great Britain will to the full carry out all her Treaty engagements and obliga- tions in......

On Sunday Sir Charles Egerton Encountered A Large Force Of

the Mullah's followers, estimated at about five thousand, at Jidballi, in the Nogal Valley, and completely routed them. He reports that this was probably the Mullah's chief......

Mr. Balfour Was Entertained By The Manchester Conser-...

to luncheon on Tuesday, and made an interesting speech. He would not, he said, speak on the fiscal problem, but asked leave to compress his speech of the previous night into two......

On Sunday Sir Charles Egerton Encountered A Large Force Of

the Mullah's followers, estimated at about five thousand, at Jidballi, in the Nogal Valley, and completely routed them. He reports that this was probably the Mullah's chief......