16 JANUARY 1953, Page 11

6pectator, Yanitarp 15tb, 1853

EDWARD GRW, an Irishman, extorted one pound from the servant of the Reverend Mr. Clark on the false pretence that he was agent to the Newcastle Deaf and Dumb Asylum. He wrote what he wanted with a piece of chalk—" He was deaf and dumb." The prisoner kept up his sham of being deaf and dumb while in the custody of the constable. and during his examination before the Magistrates; but after he was committed to gaol for trial, his imposture was ingeniously detected. He is a man about five feet three inches, and a hot bath about seven feet in depth was prepared for him: it was-made sufficiently warm, and he was ordered to strip and go in. Little thanking it was so deep. he plunged in souse overhead; and, on coming to the surface, roared for assistance, in a fine mellow voice, tipped with the true Irish brogue, very much to the amusement of the gaolers, and to the Court when it was related in evidence at the Quarter Sessions. The impostor was found guilty, and sentenced to seven years' transportation.