16 JANUARY 1953, page 11

The Shallot Bed

When preparing the shallot-bed remember that they do best in an open situation. The ground should be improved with super-phosphate —I- lb. to the square yard—forked well in.......

Missing Fingers

Taking down a wood is a comparatively simple business. A few axes and cross-cut saws are the tools, and a tractor soon hauls the timber out; but when the ground has to be......

6pectator, Yanitarp 15tb, 1853

EDWARD GRW, an Irishman, extorted one pound from the servant of the Reverend Mr. Clark on the false pretence that he was agent to the Newcastle Deaf and Dumb Asylum. He wrote......

Country Life

FROST was thick on the fields. By the gate the cart-ruts were like iron, and the sheep-tracks in the mud made an uneven surface completely unyielding to the foot. A yellow......


"Ah," he said. looking round. "The foot an' mouth before the war was the makin' of him. He hadn't a decent animal on his place till then. The chap what came to assess was some......


To the Tate Gallery has come an exhibition of work by Matisse which includes forty-nine bronzes—nearly all the sculpture he has ever executed. Six pieces were shown as long ago......


It was only when the light in the room began to fade that I looked up and saw the gas-mantle in its round globe. and a little while passed before I realised that it was not "......


Decameron Nights. (Odeon, Marble Arch.)—Women of Twilight. (Plaza.) EVERY time I see that one of .the classics has been filmed I confess to a certain sadness, for, owing to a......