16 JANUARY 1953, Page 14

Communist Technique in Britain

SIR,—Mr. Darke's account of Communist technique in Britain _would be more convincing if it contained fewer inaccuracies. Surely a Communist of eighteen years' standing should know the amounts of Party dues ? That the Warsaw Congress was originally Planned for Sheffield, not Liverpool ? That there is no National Industrial Policy Committee ? These and numerous other statements in the book raise grave doubts in the minds of even non-Communists as to the book's real authorship and reliability.—Yours faithfully, J. TAYLOR. 4 Wynchgate, Elms Road, Harrow Weald, Middlesex.

SIR,—I was very much interested in your review of Bob Darke's book, The Communist Technique in Britain, and especially in the question- marks with which the review ends.

Having recently come into touch with, and given some thought to, " Moral Re-Armament," I feel that it is worth investigating whether this force may not provide an answer to some at least of these question- marks. As I understand it, " M.R.A." does not fight Communism; it changes Communists. I myself have heard speak men who haVe been members of the Communist Party for twenty years or more, but have now found what they- themselves call " a better idea " and are Communists no longer. Such men, from many countries, have accepted absolute moral standards, and the principle that " when men listen, God speaks " in their own lives, and have become constructive forces in their own nations, working for the establishment of an inspired democracy in place of a godless totalitarianism.

In Britain, dockers, miners, engineers and steel workers are increas- ingly uniting to end what one ex-Communist of over twenty years' standing described as " the longest and bitterest war in history, the class war." In the Ruhr, so many hitherto " reliable " members have left the Party and accepted the ideas of M.R.A., based on moral and spiritual values, that according to its new leaders the whole Party has had to be reconstituted.

From Italy, many hundreds of workers in the factories have attended the M.R.A. world training-centre at Caux in Switzerland. Some of their parties, on arrival, were fifty per cent. Communists, and in one of their factories the walls were plastered with posters of Stalin and the hammer and sickle. On their return from Caux, these were torn down, and the hammer and sickle were replaced by the Cross.

And what does Moscow think about this ? In a recent broadcast on the U.S.S.R. home Service the statement was made that: "It is not difficult to see that the, basic principle of Buchmanism, the. transforma- tion of the world by means of change in the individual, is directed towards deceiving the working people and aimed at lading them away from the paths of c9nscious struggle. . . . Instead of political struggle these arm-bearers propose to introduce Christian forgiveness."

Pitlands, Salcombe Hill, Sidmouth.