The Konigsmark Drawings, by Rex Whistler (Richards Press. 105s.) is
a sumptuous piece of book-making in which Rex Whistler's ten Baroque drawings for A. E. W. Mason's Konigsmark find a fitting setting. Laurence Whistler introduces them, publishes his brother's modest and charming letters to Mason, and explains the relevance of the illustrations to the text. Although the drawings may not rank with Whistler's best work, some of them (notably the title- page) are admirable, and together they constitute a remarkable achievement for a junior officer of the Welsh Guards to have carried through during his war-time years of training. The book will there- fore be treasured by those-lucky enough to possess it and set beside Laurence Whistler's short biography of his brother as a memorial of a graceful artist too soon lost. D. H.