16 JANUARY 1953, Page 4

The deaths of the Bishop of Lichfield and the Headmaster

of Harrow within twenty-four hours of each other are a grievous blow. I had known the Bishop rather the longer and rather the better of the two, but it would be hard to say which inspired the higher regard. Dr. Moore impressed his personality on Harrow in a very real way and would quite clearly have done so more; and the more he succeeded in impressing it the better for the characters of the individual boys. The death of Dr. Woods follows hard on his visit to the Far and Middle East in connection with the world-wide mission in the R.A.F. He wrote to me towards the end of November from Hong Kong (beginning charatteristically. " I hope all goes well with you and your labours; it is too long since we met ") to ask that the air-mail edition of The Spectator should be sent to him. The request having been passed on to the relevant department without the necessary explanation, a postcard arrived some time in December suggesting that the address on the wrapper should be " The Right Rev. the Bishop of Lich- field " (it should, indeed, have been " The- Lord Bishop ") not " Edward Lichfield Esq." Few men diffused such genuine and unaffected warmth of heart, and few will be more missed by their friends—who included, in ties of real friendship, the late King and all his family.