and key.—Messrs. Roes and Co. continue a very elegant series
which we have before noticed with praise with the IVorks of Virgil Translated by Dryden.—Charles Griffin and Co. reprint,. in an elegant form and at a very low price, the well-known series of Belts English Poets. We have received Shakespeare's Poems and Sonnets and the first volumes of Chaucer, Cowper, Dryden, Morrison,. Butler.—We have also received new editions of Dr. Norman Macleod's- charming tale, the Starling (Strahan). —Realities of Irish Life, by W. Steuart Trench (Longtnans).—Mr. J. P. Prendergast's Crontwelliant Settlement of Ireland (Longmans).—Popular Rhymes of Scotland, by Chambers (W. and R. Chambers).—Channing's Complete Works.. (Routledge).—Choice and Chance, by the Rev. W. A. Whitworth, (Deighton, Ball ; Ball and Daldy), an interesting treatise on inexhausti- ble subjects.--We have also to acknowledge Haydn's Universal Index- of Biography, edited by J. B. Payne (Meson), giving dates and leading facts about all eminent men since the Christian era ; a volume of Selected' Passages from Thomas Carlyle, by Thomas Ballantine (Chapman and 1.1a11).--Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, edited by J. T. Rogers. (Macmillan).—We have to notice a Ilistmy of the Egyptian Revolution, 2 vols., by A. A. Paton (Triibner).—Mrs. Loudon's Amateur Gardener's Calendar (Warne and Co.), revised and edited by Mr. W. Robinson,. whose admirable book on the "Parks, Promenades, &c., of Paris," we noticed some months ago.—The Sinlessness of Jesus, an Evidence for Christianity, translated from the seventh German edition by Sophia. Taylor (T. and T. Clark).—The Lame Devil, an expurgated edition of: Le Sage's Diable Boiteux (Charlton Tucker).—'Traditions of Pales- tine, by Harriet Martineau (Routledge).—The Creator and the Creation, by John Young, LL.D., an enlarged and altered edition (Strahan).— Leading Articles on Various Subjects, by Hugh Miller (Nimmo), a sup- plementary volume to the recent re-issue of that writer's works.—Dr. Temple's Rugby Sermons (Macmillan).—Arithmetic, Theoretical and' Practical, by W. H. Girdlestone, M.A. (Rivingtons); and a School' Edition of the same book.—The Peerage of Poverty, by Edwin Paxton Hood (Partridge).—We have also to acknowledge a re-issue of Isaac Williams' Devotional Commentary (Rivingtons); and two volumes of Clark's ante-Nicene Library, Tertullian, vol. 2, translated by Peter' Holmes, D.D. ; and the Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, and Revelation, trans- lated by Alexander Walker.