16 JULY 1870, page 22
And Key.—messrs. Roes And Co. Continue A Very Elegant Series
which we have before noticed with praise with the IVorks of Virgil Translated by Dryden. — Charles Griffin and Co. reprint,. in an elegant form and at a very low price, the......
The Old Love And The New : A Tale Of
Athens. By Sir Edward Creasy. Three vols. (Bentley.)—The Tale of Athens is a story of the loves of Leon, Athenian general, and Atalanta, companion of Aspasia, and actually ono......
Three Weddings.' By The Author Of "dorothy." (longmans.)—...
of this little tale is literally correct. There are "three" weddings of which it gives us the history ; but the real interest centres in the history of one, the marriage between......