The election of Prince Ferdinand to the Bulgarian Throne has
not as yet advanced matters much. A deputation appointed by the Sobranje hastened to inform the Prince of his election, and urged him to repair at once to Tirnova. The Prince, how- ever, remains in Austria, anxious that the Powers should approve him ; but the Powers hang back to consult each other. Even the Porte, which could give him a clear prima-facie title, needing only confirmation by Europe, is disinclined to act, and much pressure is being exerted to induce the Prince, after all, to decline the nomination. Prince Bismarck does not quite like it ; and the Duke of Saxe-Coburg has been induced, as head of his house, to express to the Prince his regret that he should accept at all. According to the latest accounts, the Prince hesi- tates ; and if he finally draws back, the election is void, and the Sobranje must begin its work over again.